Friday, August 5, 2011

getting back on track.

Hello everyone! Its been awhile! I promise you Im not dead or anything. D:///

First things first, Ive been extremely busy irl which includes: moving out of state, funerals, job hunting, heat waves, ect. Not fun at all. My stress level has been pretty up there too. Since my dad passed away life hasnt been so easy, so im doing what I can to make the best of it. As for moving, I no longer live in California, but now I live in Texas. Its pretty hard to get used to it over here (humidity, tornadoes, ect) but its not so bad. I currently live with my boyfriend whom I love very much. Now im just in the position of finding a part time/full time job, ugh. No luck with that so far, but im trying!

Now onto artwork. Oh boy, let me tell you, ive been so busy that I myself havnt had time to draw anything. No OC's, nothing. :( It makes me depressed just thinking about it. Like Ive said, Ive been busy. However, things are looking up now and havnt been so hectic (moved in, ect) so Im getting ready to start pumping art out again. I also got to borrow a tablet from a friend of mine since my old one broke during the move (Q.Q), so this means I get to finally color in my sketches! Ive been wanting to draw for awhile, its torture to not draw. u. u;;

Commissions. First and foremost I want to apologize to my commissioners for taking a long time to deliver. Im thankful for your patience and Im doing the best I can (with what I have) to deliver finished commissions. Im trying to do the best I can! If you have any questions or concerns, please note me!

Last but not least, how is everyone doing!?! Its been so long! ;w; </3 I hope you guys are doing great and give me updates when/if you can! Im interested in listening! Take care guys. :heart:

-dj - lune

1 comment:

  1. As I said before on your dA journal it's great that you're back :D. As for me, I'm job hunting just like you, especially with recent events at my part-time job indicate that it really is time for me to move on to something better. On the art front I'm working on finishing up fanart for the 2012 convention season where I hope to finally sell my work in an artist alley. With that in mind, I've also been working on revamping my website and promoting myself more. Hope to see more stuff from you in the future 8D!
