Saturday, August 6, 2011

sketch dump

did a few of these awhile back while moving to different places. Just quick sketches of a few OCs and the boyfriend and I. All in pencil, I had no access to my PC since its in storage, im currently borrowing this PC from a friend recently. :T

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


  1. Again I say that you have amazingly clean pencil sketches :D! I'd love to know your secret to scanning and cleaning them *wants to post more sketches*.

  2. haha thanks again! XD <3 I guess I could say that I draw really light and go over the lines again and again to make them darker and visible. It also helps to use a 0.5 Mech. Pencil. Skinnier the led = the better!
