Thursday, October 13, 2011


I realize  I have art block. OTL Have any of you guys suffered from art block before? It really does suck. x.x; Especially when you're trying to work with commissions. Lately its been hard for me to think of new ideas, not sure if its stress related or what. Usually I can cure it with music (inspiration) right off the bat, other times it can be a little more difficult. ^ ^;

Ah well, just something random to talk about. :)


  1. I have had one for a year back in 2009! That art block along with other things made me incredibly depressed. It was a scary feeling since I've never had a period where I don't want to draw, write, do something creative at all. Luckily it slowly went away and during the 2010 holiday season while taking time off work for health reasons, all I had to do was draw and I did a complete 360. Now if there were more hours in the draw to draw out the ideas I have!

  2. Oh my gosh, a year?! D: Thats horrible, I cant imagine what you went through. Im glad it went away though, being creative = happiness, imo. <3

    Oh, do you by any chance carry a sketchbook with you? Maybe get the chance to sketch a little here and there (your ideas) and finishing them up later? XD Either way, im glad you overcame the art block, those are just nasty. :I

  3. While I don't carry a sketchbook with me, I have been walking around with bits a scrap paper recently since I always end up doodling stuff when bored. And yes creativity=happiness!
